
Vidhave doubled tips with fixed percentages

Vidhave Trivec

We spoke with Gustav Körnsberg, Operations Manager at Snack Mat and Bad, a part of Destination Vidhave, right on the shoreline just outside Visby. For Gustav, it was obvious to choose Trivec; the POS system makes dining operations smooth during busy days, is easy to navigate, shortens the training time for younger staff, has few clicks, and smart integrations.

-Our goal is to gradually expand our business, so we needed a POS system that could grow with us. Trivec’s system can be quickly scaled up,” says Gustav.

Fixed tip percentages have given us twice as much in tips, but behind that is hard and enjoyable work where we raised the level of service for guests,” he says.

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The future of restaurant service Trivec

Destination Vidhave offers accommodation in wooden houses in the midst of the magnificent Gotlandic nature year-round. The restaurant is open during the summer months. Many days see high demand with many guests in the restaurant.

How they doubled the tips in the restaurant

For Vidhave, guest experience is at the center, so it’s important to have a smooth flow in the venues. No one should have to wait to get their table or to order or pay. The restaurant experiences a high demand during the summer months when it’s open, and everyone must have a great experience on-site and a positive feeling even after leaving Vidhave and Snack Mat and Bad.

– Thanks to the mobile POS system Trivec Go, we can quickly set up a pos where it’s needed in the venues or have mobile registers for service,” says Gustav.

The service staff can also easily take payments at the tables because multiple payment terminals can be connected to each pos. The feature of fixed tip percentages has doubled Vidhave’s tips on an annual basis.

– Fixed tip percentages have given us twice as much in tips, but behind that is hard and enjoyable work where we raised the level of service for guests,” he says.

Personal interaction at the center

Gustav’s interest in hospitality and service, as well as his knowledge of creating a great guest experience, he gladly shares with the staff, especially junior staff. Gustav often gathers the staff and talks about the work in the dining room and the importance of the personal guest interaction.

– Tips are a result of the fantastic efforts from our staff where guests have chosen to show their appreciation,” he says.”

Read more about our handheld POS HandyPay

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